FollyFest remains a free to enter event. Despite being run entirely by volunteers, and none of the bands or acts being paid, the weekend costs around £ 13,000 to put on. We raise funds throughout the year and during the festival, but without the generous and flexible sponsorship from our donors it would not be possible.

Our Headline sponsor and stalwart FollyFest supporter, Perry Bishop has been key to the continuity of our festival by providing consistent, year on year support. As a prominent local Estate Agent they help spread the word about the festival to new residents and remind experienced festival goers of our presence throughout the year in their marketing taglines.

Hosting the Crown Stage, which this year will be giving out a dancing vibe with a slew of DJ sets, the current Crown owners have taken on the very much needed face lift to the town centre by restoring the Crown to its former glory, and bringing more eating out options to Faringdon in their 80-seat restaurant. We wish them all the best in this much anticipated endeavour and thanks them for their in kind and cash support to FollyFest.

As well as providing free copy space, the Advertiser are providing a cash donation to FollyFest this year. As our media partner, The Advertiser are key to raising awareness about the festival and making sure that everyone in Faringdon knows what’s on and when – Check the pull out schedule in the July copy!